Smart Investing: Top Index Fund Portfolios for Every Investor

Smart Investing: Top Index Fund Portfolios for Every Investor

June 14, 20242 min read

When it comes to investing, the debate often centers around the best way to diversify your portfolio. One thing is clear: index funds consistently outperform actively managed mutual funds. If you’re looking for a straightforward, low-risk way to invest, consider one of these four index fund portfolios.

1. 100% S&P 500 Index Fund

  • Simplicity at Its Best: This portfolio is as simple as it gets, consisting entirely of an S&P 500 index fund.

  • Performance: Despite its simplicity, it outperforms 82% of actively managed mutual funds.

  • Return: The actively managed funds that did better only outperformed this portfolio by an average of 0.4%.

2. 40% S&P 500, 20% International Equity, 40% US Investment-Grade Bond

  • Balanced and Diversified: This portfolio includes 60% stocks and 40% bonds, with an international component for added diversification.

  • Performance: Historically, this mix beats 87.7% of actively managed funds.

  • Return: On average, it outperforms managed funds by 1.47%.

3. 20% US Equity, 20% International Equity, 20% US Bonds, 20% Short-Term Treasury, 20% REIT

  • Enhanced Diversification: This portfolio adds real estate to the mix for greater diversification.

  • Performance: It outperforms 87.8% of actively managed mutual funds.

  • Return: On average, it outperforms managed funds by 1.10%.

4. The Comprehensive 10-Fund Portfolio

  • Highly Diversified: This portfolio includes a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap US equities, developed and emerging international equities, bonds, and more.

  • Performance: It outperforms 90% of actively managed funds.

  • Return: On average, it outperforms managed funds by 0.93%.

Why Index Funds?

  • Low Fees: Index funds typically have lower fees than actively managed funds, meaning more of your money stays invested.

  • Consistency: They provide consistent returns by mirroring the performance of market indices.

  • Simplicity: Managing a few index funds is much easier than trying to pick individual stocks or actively managed funds.


Diversifying your investments across a selection of index funds is a smart strategy. Whether you prefer the simplicity of a single S&P 500 index fund or the comprehensive diversification of a 10-fund portfolio, index funds offer a reliable and efficient way to grow your wealth.

My Smart Bestie is part of an elite community of highly successful internet entrepreneurs on a mission to help regular, everyday people break free from mediocrity and create the best life possible for themselves and their families.

Smart Bestie

My Smart Bestie is part of an elite community of highly successful internet entrepreneurs on a mission to help regular, everyday people break free from mediocrity and create the best life possible for themselves and their families.

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