Timeshares: Are They Worth Your Money?

Timeshares: Are They Worth Your Money?

June 18, 20243 min read

Thinking about buying a timeshare? You’ve probably heard mixed opinions—some people swear by them, while others call them a waste of money. So, what’s the truth? Let's break it down in simple terms so you can decide if a timeshare is the right choice for you.

What is a Timeshare?

A timeshare is essentially a shared ownership of a vacation property. Typically, you buy a portion of the property, which gives you the right to use it for a specific period each year. For example, owning a 1/52 share means you can stay at the property for one week every year. The specifics, like scheduling and maintenance, depend on the agreement you sign.

Types of Timeshares

  1. Deeded Timeshares: You own a portion of the property. This ownership can be sold or passed down to heirs.

  2. Right-to-Use Timeshares: You lease the property for a certain number of years but do not own it.

Advantages of Timeshares

  1. Home-Like Comforts

    • Why It Matters: Timeshares often offer more space and amenities than a typical hotel room. They are designed to feel like a home away from home.

    • Example: Instead of a cramped hotel room, you get a full kitchen, living room, and multiple bedrooms.

  2. Guaranteed Vacation Spot

    • Why It Matters: You know exactly where you’re going each year, which can simplify planning and give you peace of mind.

    • Example: If you love visiting the beach, having a timeshare there means you always have a place to stay.

  3. Fixed Costs

    • Why It Matters: The price you pay for the timeshare is generally fixed, which can be economical over time compared to rising hotel prices.

    • Example: Instead of paying more each year for a hotel, your timeshare cost remains stable.

Disadvantages of Timeshares

  1. Ongoing Costs

    • Why It Matters: Even when you’re not using the property, you’ll have to pay maintenance fees, taxes, and possibly commissions.

    • Example: If the annual maintenance fee is $800, you pay this every year regardless of whether you use the property.

  2. Scheduling Issues

    • Why It Matters: You might feel pressured to use your timeshare even if the timing isn’t convenient, just to avoid wasting money.

    • Example: You have a busy work schedule but feel forced to vacation in your assigned week.

  3. Lack of Appreciation

    • Why It Matters: Timeshares rarely increase in value. In fact, many are sold at a loss.

    • Example: You buy a timeshare for $10,000, but when you try to sell it, the market price is only $5,000.

Is a Timeshare Right for You?

  • For the Long Haul: Timeshares can be a good deal if you plan to vacation at the same place every year for a long time.

  • If You Like Variety: If you prefer exploring new destinations, a timeshare might not be the best choice for you.

Actionable Steps Before Buying a Timeshare

  1. Research Thoroughly

    • Action: Look into different timeshare companies and read reviews. Understand the terms of the agreement, including maintenance fees and other costs.

  2. Visit the Property

    • Action: If possible, visit the property to see if it meets your expectations.

  3. Consider Resale Value

    • Action: Check the resale market to see how much timeshares in that area are selling for. This will give you an idea of its true value.

  4. Calculate Total Costs

    • Action: Add up all the costs, including purchase price, maintenance fees, and taxes. Compare this with the cost of regular vacations to see if it’s worth it.


Timeshares can be a smart investment for some but a poor choice for others. They offer the comfort of a home-like setting and fixed vacation spots at a stable cost. However, they come with ongoing expenses and limited flexibility. Carefully consider your vacation habits, financial situation, and long-term plans before making a decision.

My Smart Bestie is part of an elite community of highly successful internet entrepreneurs on a mission to help regular, everyday people break free from mediocrity and create the best life possible for themselves and their families.

Smart Bestie

My Smart Bestie is part of an elite community of highly successful internet entrepreneurs on a mission to help regular, everyday people break free from mediocrity and create the best life possible for themselves and their families.

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